“But the greatest of these is Love…”

Grief is such a weird thing. From the way it comes and goes to how we each process and experience it.

The things that trigger grief can even be surprising. Seeing someone who resembles your loved one, from the shirt they chose to wear that day, their age, and their place in life. Days like Mother’s and Father’s day, birthdays, and other holidays. When something happens and you immediately want to tell that person/those people but suddenly remember you no longer can. Sometimes there is no trigger at all and you wake up one day just missing them. Grief is not something easily described or understood unless you have grieved yourself.

While life is constantly changing, grief and love for those we grieve stay with us throughout our days, this constant duality. Grief means great love was and still is present. For why would you grieve if not for the wonderful thing that once was.

Grief is a beautiful and painful mess.

I’ll gladly grieve because it means I have lived and loved in such a way that I am forever changed. I grieve because I love and isn’t love why we’re here in the first place? Love gives us meaning, hope, and a reason to fight for our place in this world.

Love is worth the fight.

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