
When your friends start telling you they “don’t care” about your choices, what you do, etc., it’s time to get new friends.

You can not judge someone for their decisions and still care.

You can not agree with someone and still care.

You can talk to someone about their choices, they still choose to do it, and still care.

If they say they “don’t give a fuck”, believe them. They don’t. About you.

This summer has been one hell of an experience. All over the country, going from miracle to miracle. God literally providing just in time. And in the midst of this journey, I learned a lot about relationships and myself. I was reminded of the importance of boundaries. The importance of being open and honest with yourself. The importance of letting go.

Letting go is hard. Healing is painful. Moving on is freeing. It’s a process.

Part of this process included hearing a lot of “I don’t care” or general disbelief and disapproval from those closest to me.

Letting go is hard. Healing is painful. Moving on is freeing.

Letting go of relationships. Healing from the hurt (including asking for forgiveness). Moving on from the past and focusing on today.

Fall is about things dying so they can spend the winter resting to be born again in spring. The whole, “there is a time for every season”.

This is the season for letting go.